Counting down
Thanks for all the comments on my post about friends last week. I particularly take to what Dian said, probably because it's the most applicable to myself. The strongest friendships really are those which have seen various pitfalls and yet held fast through them. Sometimes I wonder how things would be now if Teresa and I didn't resolve our spat back then in Form 3. I'm especially grateful to our friends who stuck by us (uncomfortable as it was) and constantly nagged for a reconciliation. I remember the day I rang her up to speak to her. The "hello?" I was so familiar with instantly hit me with a plethora of memories. Of how we used to be the only two who would stand by the notice board during recess and eat chicken drumsticks and sip chrysanthemum tea without speaking to each other. Of how we were first introduced to each other two weeks into term by Prema in Moral class. Of how she was the only one who never had to "CHUP! I'M STANDING BEHIND XIAN!" because the assistant monitors were in practice last in the class line. Of her Indian-tinged "debatable" for choral speaking. Of her waddle. Of how everyone was on a continuing mission to make her less of the hard hitting tomboy that she was. So so many things. I couldn't say a word because my throat was tight with emotion and I burst into tears because I realised I'd missed out on 9 months of her life. She started crying as well, then all the sorries came out and by the end of the conversation we'd admitted we were really just two stubborn sillies and everything was dandy again.
Thinking of all this makes me think of KL. But then again, it's the holiday season and I'm often privy to a bout of homesickness at this time of the year. Sigh. Well I shall be home in less than a week. That's something to look forward to. London drama is tiring. I need my cuppa & chill, family & friends at home, mindless chatter and the Hyper Bishi Bishi championship to recharge my batteries. Soon, soon and very soon. Rawrrrrrr.
Thinking of all this makes me think of KL. But then again, it's the holiday season and I'm often privy to a bout of homesickness at this time of the year. Sigh. Well I shall be home in less than a week. That's something to look forward to. London drama is tiring. I need my cuppa & chill, family & friends at home, mindless chatter and the Hyper Bishi Bishi championship to recharge my batteries. Soon, soon and very soon. Rawrrrrrr.
Oh boy, this one definately brings back those memories. :)
We were just..nuts. Still are too.
dania, At
3:13 PM
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