Worthwhile to Visit Malaysia?

Since its launch this year, VM has been to India, Brunei, China, and now, the UK. It started when Adrian told me that Tesco was selling Maggi Mee for 5p a packet. So I popped over about 2 hours later and there were three display racks with the "Taste of Malaysia, in conjunction with Visit Malaysia 2007" labels at the top and they were stocked semi-full (cos most of the stuff were gone) of Malaysian sauces and snacks... even strange confectionary that I am usually not privy to, like chocolates with a banana center (?!), and starfruit jam.
Since all the Maggi Mee had been grabbed up already, I tried to get a better look at the sauces but was blocked by a huge Middle Eastern family who were standing in the aisle with two full trolleys, bickering about what sauces to buy. They couldn't make up their minds so they kept picking up a couple of packets and putting them in their trolleys then taking them out again and putting them back on the shelves. MAHA IRRITATING. There was another person apart from myself who was desperately trying to move closer to the shelves and this family couldn't give ten rats asses. I'm pretty sure they saw us cos one of the women looked in my direction. And their kids!!!!! Ohmygoodness. Kids are really cute when they're just blobs of gurgly matter, but once they start developing the use of their mouths and legs I cannot tell you how much I ABHOR, DETEST, DESPISE, LOATHE, HATE (!!!!!!) them. Not too long ago when roller shoes were the 'in' thing, kids used to bump into me all the time in shopping malls. $@^#£$%^!!!!!! See, tall people can be forgiven for not noticing my presence but these kids who are a good two heads shorter than me have no excuse. And they don't even know how to apologize! If I were ever given the chance to start my own country, I would ban roller shoes and kids between the ages of 5-10.
I also cannot understand why our government spends so much on promoting Malaysia as a hotspot when there is still much work to be done about the country's internal affairs (huhuhu, I wrote 'inFernal affairs' first, then deleted it). An efficient transportation system is as paramount as any support system should be in adding to the tourist appeal of a country - but ours is abominable. The LRT network lacks common sense, buses are insufferably slow, unpunctual and dirty, and cabbies charge unscrupulous fares as soon as they realise you're not Malaysian. Political Corruption is notoriously well-known, Uncleanliness is a hazard, Queueing is unheard of and Rudeness is a disease. Ironically, this is only spurring me on to study harder, empower myself with knowledge and utilise it to the fullest. I can't wait to return home and get my hands sticky with all this mud. In this case, it's gonna take too many cooks to create a great broth!
Oh, but you'd be surprised. Problem is, the last time you took the feeder bus and the LRT you hadn't reached the big two-oh. Buses are all under RapidKL now, pretty frequent in our area too. The seat-backs (if that's what they're called) are made of cheap plastic la, but they don't look half bad.
When you come back we'll go to Starhill. Via bus-LRT-monorail :)
Ennie, At
9:09 AM
I bet they'll be frequent for the first 6 months-1 year then after that they'll be running at their own languid pace.
Starhill, yay! I want MNG MNG MNG MNG MNG.
Xian, At
10:22 PM
Yah, such a pain. Have to travel to town just to shop at MNG. Grumble. I'm getting tired of Topshop.
Ennie, At
7:04 AM
I can only imagine how you would look like. Hahahahhahahahahahahahah....
That aside, I share the same passion AGAINST roller shoes. Whoever who invented it should be shot dead. Make the kids stupid than they already are.
Ok I rephrase, make the kids less courteous than they already are. I could get sued for such accusations.
I only like Malaysia for its food, the 24/7 hours mamak. And that's about it.
dania, At
8:11 AM
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