For real!
Have you ever wondered why poo stinks? Does it get your brain a-buzzing thinking about why it comes in a myriad of colours? What makes poo soft or hard? When is the right time to go? What is the best remedy for constipation? For the latest developments in this murky brown area where few dare to tread without holding their noses, drop by your local


lol why your posts always have some mention of sai
ming, At
3:24 PM
what's all this, having fun and etc.
i am DAMN grumpy man. i just spoke to you on the bus. i really wanted to tell you, but i couldn't because the guy next to me might understand (cos he was like.. you know.. oriental looking, who knows, might be from malaysia right..) and i can't text you cos i'm lazy and phone has low battery..
so anyways, he kept on falling asleep, nodding off violently man. i thought he was going to hit me, a few times i had to jerk away. I REALLY wanted to tell you on the phone. but like i said, he could've understood..
Suan, At
5:38 PM
i suppose i could've messaged you on facebook, but that would require me getting a new password (i had to change it to some random sequence of alphabets), cos i've been spending too much time on it.
so er.. sorry for this er.. very public whinging.
Suan, At
5:39 PM
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