Unhappy about your Kelisa?
Solution: Blow it up!
When my flat came equipped with a TV last year, we'd tune in to Top Gear sometimes and it was always interesting. But who would've expected to watch the ubiquitous Kelisa (in KL at least) branded as "an unimaginative junk, with no soul, no flair and no passion" by the show's host, Jeremy Clarkson, then smashed by a sledgehammer, hung from a crane with a one-tonne weight attached, AND blown to bits? So exciting right?!?!
And check out this video to see what Top Gear thought of the Kenari. Mind you, it didn't quite meet the same unfortunate outcome as the Kelisa.
Needless to say, the Malaysian Parliament was furious.
Okay la, I suppose blowing up the Kelisa was a bit too much. Teresa, your thoughts? :p
When my flat came equipped with a TV last year, we'd tune in to Top Gear sometimes and it was always interesting. But who would've expected to watch the ubiquitous Kelisa (in KL at least) branded as "an unimaginative junk, with no soul, no flair and no passion" by the show's host, Jeremy Clarkson, then smashed by a sledgehammer, hung from a crane with a one-tonne weight attached, AND blown to bits? So exciting right?!?!
And check out this video to see what Top Gear thought of the Kenari. Mind you, it didn't quite meet the same unfortunate outcome as the Kelisa.
Needless to say, the Malaysian Parliament was furious.
Okay la, I suppose blowing up the Kelisa was a bit too much. Teresa, your thoughts? :p
Phwoar! :D
Ennie, At
7:36 AM
Hahha..you should watch the one where they compared Waja with other other Asian cars, Jeremy did quite a lot of things to prove his point about how unsafe bloody protons are.
How embarrassing.
There's no more new season of Top Gear right?
dania, At
5:29 AM
heyz.. this is years back wei.. now ni u know about it mehh.... old news larr *yawn*.. .hehehe... did i managed to irritate u yet? how's things btw?
toi toi, At
8:19 AM
anywayzz.. i think the kelisa still not bad lorr.. though the milo tin body of kelisa badly damaged, still the wind screen still intact, no cracks n stuff.. can still drive around somemore.. boleh kasi pass la.. Malaysia Boleh!! huhuhu
toi toi, At
8:29 AM
Hey how I know la, this only came out in BBC a couple of days ago. BBC ok! Not Malay Mail. Kakakakka.
Dunno if Top Gear's still running. No TV in the new flat :( I must find that Waja video. I bet he said mentioned the steering wheel that feels like it's made of some cheap ass material.
Xian, At
12:41 AM
Haha those are reruns on BBC la xig.
Oh! Retro patterns for dresses are the in thing here and its so not my thing. Goddammit.
dania, At
4:06 AM
Retro's in here. Big swirly graphic/geometric prints, flowers, etc. Lots of solid single/double block colours too. Don't worry, only a month more before the exams are up. After that I'll go looking for your dress :D
Xian, At
1:04 PM
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