I am so bored I could cry! I feel stifled in London. Like constipated kind of feeling (hence the hnnngggnnhhh above). I can't do all the things I wanna do, and I'm not surrounded by all the ppl I wanna be surrounded by. Cooking everyday is now becoming a chore. I need a study buddy, a gym buddy, an everything buddy. I need someone to be around me 24/7. I need my mommy!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately Eugene doesn't exactly fit the bill because he likes hanging out with his guy friends too much. And as much as some of them are nice people, we don't exactly have much in common. And I would just be bored hanging out with a bunch of guys. Sigh. I dunno why I'm feeling so lost lately. Actually, I think it's because I've been studying consistently everyday since school started and I am getting sick of it. Muahahahahha. Yes that must be it. Ok hopefully this feeling will go away so I can get back to studying. ARGHHH I WANT TO DRIVE MY CAR.
Hey... wanna go out for dinner or something sometime? ;)
funĀ², At
5:53 PM
wah a bookworm already! Go make new friends you can cook, read, exercise, laugh with!
Or you could always just come back to KL where we could have our mamak, and be our faithful driver and watch movies and do more crazy things.
Oh you know what? I think shopping will cure your "constipated" feeling. Go ahead...and try it.
dania, At
7:03 AM
don't you have any girlfriends there??
hooi, At
10:52 AM
Hahahah. Thanks you guys. My flatmates are usually away for the weekend and they're the girls I hang out with the most. Which is why I was stuck at home. And for some reason, even if I do go out with a bunch of girlfriends, the feeling isn't the same. London is just blehh. Malaysia! That's where the sun and cheap food is at!
PF - yeah have been SO procrastinating on the calling you out bit. I just cannot drag my lazy ass out of bed apart from going to class. But will do it soon enough! ;)
Xian, At
7:05 PM
Is not your car!
Oh ya, I know what you mean about cooking. I like it, but it's no fun when I'm only cooking for myself. Must have lots of people to cook for, but that also means I have to spend money on more ingredients...... +_+ Cis. Why la this double-edged sword.
Ennie, At
9:26 PM
Heh heh. Double edged sword, INDEED. I cooked lamb chops the other day btw. Yum yum. In this fruity sauce. Very easy! Only 30 mins cooking + marinading. I tich yu.
Xian, At
8:35 PM
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