Save the Malaysian judiciary
Lawyers (or judges or anyone to do with the legal system) are a corrupt, twisted liars.
Ish. People, you watch too much movies. Defending the guilty and no recourse for the innocent? That only sums up so little of the truth. Yet the recent scandal pertaining to the Malaysian judiciary does nothing for this stereotyping. If you don't know the story yet, read it here.
If you are on Facebook, join the Save the Malaysian judiciary group for updates, and to express your thoughts and feelings on the issue.
If you frequent Internet user, why not spend 5 minutes of your time here to find out how you can sign the petition to the YDP Agung asking for the establishment of a Royal Commission to look into the matter, and if necessary, to require the sacking of the present Chief Justice of Malaysia. MPs and commoners alike have signed it. I have signed it. Will you do the same to prevent any potential government cover-ups?
If there are any other petitions you know about, like Raja Petra Kamaruddin's, sign it too! Sign as many as possible. We need to put pressure on the government for answers.
Enough is enough la. WE NEED A NEW GOVERNMENT!
Down with phantom voters. Down with corruption. Down with bumiputra rights. Down with BN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ish. People, you watch too much movies. Defending the guilty and no recourse for the innocent? That only sums up so little of the truth. Yet the recent scandal pertaining to the Malaysian judiciary does nothing for this stereotyping. If you don't know the story yet, read it here.
If you are on Facebook, join the Save the Malaysian judiciary group for updates, and to express your thoughts and feelings on the issue.
If you frequent Internet user, why not spend 5 minutes of your time here to find out how you can sign the petition to the YDP Agung asking for the establishment of a Royal Commission to look into the matter, and if necessary, to require the sacking of the present Chief Justice of Malaysia. MPs and commoners alike have signed it. I have signed it. Will you do the same to prevent any potential government cover-ups?
If there are any other petitions you know about, like Raja Petra Kamaruddin's, sign it too! Sign as many as possible. We need to put pressure on the government for answers.
Enough is enough la. WE NEED A NEW GOVERNMENT!
Down with phantom voters. Down with corruption. Down with bumiputra rights. Down with BN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whoa, such loudness. not to mention boldness. but true...if d govt doesn't reflect itself n treat us citizens like fools then we do need a new one. or at least some fresh blood in it. =) then again how do u know d new govt u vote in will be any better? maybe it'll b worse! i think thats part of d prob. ppl are already too comfy voting for BN that they just continue doing about habit! others are afraid of change...they'd rather tolerate it (cuz it ain't happening to them personally) cuz d mentality is "don't rock d boat".
Unknown, At
6:19 AM
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Unknown, At
5:54 AM
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Unknown, At
5:55 AM
*heavy sigh*
Unknown, At
5:58 AM
You're right MF. People are just too comfortable about where they are now. Apart from the tidak apa attitude, I think people are also slightly worried that ticking off the govt might result in something drastic. Sigh. We don't just need to follow American fashion, we need to follow their loudmouthness too!
I had no idea you read my blog Ming Li :p But that is a fantastic article. I am gonna send it to my dad now. Muahahahhaha.
Xian, At
2:30 AM
ngeh heh..been a while dy..saw ur link in somebody's page..cant remember who thou..'xien' aint that common name u yea..
Unknown, At
12:49 PM
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