What could be worse than this
1) I am sick - flu, sore throat, runny nose, and all the signs that come with winter
2) It's that time of the month - and I shouldn't have to elaborate on the cramps
3) There are men working in my flat all week, repainting the ceilings/walls and fixing the things that need to be fixed. The flat's now jumbled up cos we've had to move things around so that the men can access their 'worksite' hassle-free. And my usually tidy room is IN A MESS!
4) There is dust flying everywhere and it is not helping my flu
I feel like I am living in a junkyard. My home is not feeling very sanctuary-like at the moment. I can't sleep, study or shower properly and I don't even have the mood to go out cos everything is just all over the place.
I am kinda annoyed that all this has to happen. It started when our washing machine leaked (YES I CAN'T EVEN WASH MY CLOTHES!!!). There was also a wiring problem with Andrea's room light, and mold on Mei's and my bedroom window ledges. So we called the landlord to have a look around and he ended up leaving with a LONGER list of improvements that needed to be done aside from the ones expected above. Eg. Repaint Andrea's room ceiling, the bathroom, toilet and kitchen, maybe put in a new bathtub, fix the toilet door and other miscellaneous things like a chair, another door, etc. I can't even escape from it all because someone needs to be in the flat as much as possible to supervise the work going on. And with Mei and Andrea being medics who have classes from 9-5 everyday, I'm the only one who can do it. Please God, give me strength to get through this week.
2) It's that time of the month - and I shouldn't have to elaborate on the cramps
3) There are men working in my flat all week, repainting the ceilings/walls and fixing the things that need to be fixed. The flat's now jumbled up cos we've had to move things around so that the men can access their 'worksite' hassle-free. And my usually tidy room is IN A MESS!
4) There is dust flying everywhere and it is not helping my flu
I feel like I am living in a junkyard. My home is not feeling very sanctuary-like at the moment. I can't sleep, study or shower properly and I don't even have the mood to go out cos everything is just all over the place.
I am kinda annoyed that all this has to happen. It started when our washing machine leaked (YES I CAN'T EVEN WASH MY CLOTHES!!!). There was also a wiring problem with Andrea's room light, and mold on Mei's and my bedroom window ledges. So we called the landlord to have a look around and he ended up leaving with a LONGER list of improvements that needed to be done aside from the ones expected above. Eg. Repaint Andrea's room ceiling, the bathroom, toilet and kitchen, maybe put in a new bathtub, fix the toilet door and other miscellaneous things like a chair, another door, etc. I can't even escape from it all because someone needs to be in the flat as much as possible to supervise the work going on. And with Mei and Andrea being medics who have classes from 9-5 everyday, I'm the only one who can do it. Please God, give me strength to get through this week.
I have no idea you still update this blog.. anyway ur room isn't as bad as u said it to be okayyy.. i swear there are ppl living in dumps worse than ur room. pls visit my blog some time.. and click on the ads. HAHAH!! i'm still trying to get my first cheque from advertlets!!!!
the dawn hero, At
11:28 AM
after reading ur Oct 15 entry, I can only come to ONE conclusion:
WHAHAHAHAHA.. u were totally giving hints especially the GYM buddy part. hahah
the dawn hero, At
11:30 AM
Wow... Your room has double bed, dining table, and a couch?! I love it! How much is the rent? :p
funĀ², At
12:40 PM
yea man...ur room rocks! i shud've accepted ur invitation to come bum in ur room while looking for a job. hahahha...hmmph! i totally understand d irritating-ness when everything's outta place. i get my share of it when d man comes to spray chemical to kill/prevent termites. horrible, i tell u!
Unknown, At
6:15 AM
I can so imagine your annoyed face every time you're in your room. That anal side of you has been challenged. But really, this is not as bad. I mean for Xian's standard, it's a trash hole but I think it's alright.
Ok la, a little messy with the bed but what the heck, you'll be getting new bathtub and what not, so bring it on!
dania, At
5:37 PM
woii! you room is so much better compared to where I had to stay in US. It's like staying in a old and haunted girls dorm infested with spiders!! Lots of them and some with big, fat, juicy bellies!
and I want that cow pillow!
toi toi, At
6:18 PM
Woo! D.Gray-man.
No wonder I've been feeling like something's lacking in my life.....
Ennie, At
1:37 AM
Mel >> WhatEVER. But yeah, I do miss your company. Hahahha. How are you enjoying your belt? And how much have you earned with Advertlets so far anyway?
PF >> I pay 135 quid pw, not incl bills. And that dining table is my study table! My room is the ex-living room. Eh, how's your new white shoes coming along? :p
MF >> Yalah. Instead you're going to US to play lamp post to Amy and Arthur. I live with 2 other girls. If you holidayed with me in my flat it would be one big lesbo fest!
Dian >> We didn't get a new bathtub in the end. We couldn't stand the work taking longer than a week so we said, stuff the bathtub, ours still works fine. But MY ROOM IS FINALLY CLEAN NOW!!!!!!!!!! Just haven't vacuumed yet...
Toi2 >> How do you know the spiders were juicy unless you swallowed them by accident cos they fell into your mouth while you were sleeping? And my cow is not a pillow! It's a proper COW. I'll put up pics in my next post to show you.
En >> Andrea watches alot of other anime too! And I've started reading the D.Gray Man manga. It's chock full of action man.
Xian, At
2:45 AM
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