Sunday, December 25, 2005

Ho ho ho!


It really is the season to be jolly. I'm back my homeland, surrounded by family and friends whom I don't get to see very often, there's no winter frost to bug me and I don't have to pay my own bills or cook my own food. It's too bad I only have 12 more days to enjoy all this. Oddly enough, I do miss London, but only just a little.

Eugene is in KL for the weekend. I feel kinda bad that I don't see him as much as I should, but it's because I have too many things to do. The round up to Xmas is normally maha hectic.

Apart from the truckload of family members from Oz whom I have not seen since 1999 (methinks), it was great seeing Yenni and Kuan again. They're probably my oldest friends, since we were introduced as babies and grew up seeing each other develop from nappies to flouncy polka dotted dresses (Yen) and Goofy hats (Kuan) and now, proper adolescent clothing :P

There's a family dinner tonight at the Shangri-La. I have to get some rest so I can be all bright-eyed and bushy tailed for the festivities.


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