I am in school atm, waiting for Jacqui Bennett of Room 204 to return from the photocopying room so I can get the Jurisprudence Big Book forms from her, fill them up and return them immediately. But she's taking so damn loooonnnnggggggg to get back...
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On a separate note, HAPPY 21st TO KIN YAN! I didn't call you to wish you but you know my fondest thoughts are with you right? :) You have to come back soon so Ming Foong and I can take the LRT to Taman Melawati, you can pick us up and take us to go eat RM 1 nasi lemak for breakfast on a rainy day. And when we're done with nasi lemak, we'll continue stuffing ourselves with roti pisang, roti Planta and other whatnot rotis, and then we'll go back to your house and carry on watching One Piece which you deliberately potong stim-ed the other day. Much love!

HAPPY 21st TO JASMINE TOO! For those who aren't in the know, I happen to be the matriach of the Mah Tong family (a purely CTC product). I am divorced from Azlan, and I have three children - Andre (whom I found in a toilet bowl - hence the odd shape of his head), James (whom I picked up in a zoo) and Suan (whose origins remain unknown). We have a maid, Nadia; a perpetual house guest, Joey; and two pets, Ee Lyn and Michelle. Andre has a retarded daughter, Zhi Hui; Suan is unmarried and childless; and James has a daughter, Jasmine, whose lesbian partner is Nadia. Jasmine also has a younger brother, Andre Khoo, but we're not sure who his parents are. Feo is my only great-granddaughter (she's Jasmine's daughter) and she has a personal nanny, Lip Sin. Watta mixed up lot. Anyway, so it's also Jasmine's 21st birthday today! Yeaaah, January's just filled with birthdays. And how can my granddaughter possibly be older than me you ask? ... Oh don't ask silly questions :p

[l-r] Jasmine, Zhi Hui, Joey, Lip Sin, Xian - Imperial College Malaysian Night 2005
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On a separate note, HAPPY 21st TO KIN YAN! I didn't call you to wish you but you know my fondest thoughts are with you right? :) You have to come back soon so Ming Foong and I can take the LRT to Taman Melawati, you can pick us up and take us to go eat RM 1 nasi lemak for breakfast on a rainy day. And when we're done with nasi lemak, we'll continue stuffing ourselves with roti pisang, roti Planta and other whatnot rotis, and then we'll go back to your house and carry on watching One Piece which you deliberately potong stim-ed the other day. Much love!

HAPPY 21st TO JASMINE TOO! For those who aren't in the know, I happen to be the matriach of the Mah Tong family (a purely CTC product). I am divorced from Azlan, and I have three children - Andre (whom I found in a toilet bowl - hence the odd shape of his head), James (whom I picked up in a zoo) and Suan (whose origins remain unknown). We have a maid, Nadia; a perpetual house guest, Joey; and two pets, Ee Lyn and Michelle. Andre has a retarded daughter, Zhi Hui; Suan is unmarried and childless; and James has a daughter, Jasmine, whose lesbian partner is Nadia. Jasmine also has a younger brother, Andre Khoo, but we're not sure who his parents are. Feo is my only great-granddaughter (she's Jasmine's daughter) and she has a personal nanny, Lip Sin. Watta mixed up lot. Anyway, so it's also Jasmine's 21st birthday today! Yeaaah, January's just filled with birthdays. And how can my granddaughter possibly be older than me you ask? ... Oh don't ask silly questions :p
[l-r] Jasmine, Zhi Hui, Joey, Lip Sin, Xian - Imperial College Malaysian Night 2005
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