Wawasan 2020
Do friends come with expiry dates? I thought about some people whom I used to be chummy with, then somewhere down the line I realised things about them that didn't sit well with me. That's the beginning of the mould. Things that I tried initially to accept as part of their person started to tick me off to the point that an inexplicable irritation would erupt inside me whenever "that" side of them showed. Confrontations became redundant because there are things about someone that they cannot/they can but is difficult to change. What does one do at this point in time. Surely we are entitled to 'pilih kawan' but what if you know that your kawan just happens to be 'like that la'. How do you work with a wise ass or an overinflated ego? When you discover split ends in your hair, do you leave it the way it is or sever the problem with scissors? The more two friends are unwilling to compromise, the less attractive one becomes. I suppose opposites could attract, but sometimes I am dubious as to whether they last.
On a side note, it's quite cool that we're actually living in THIS point of time when our elections have made history. It's in the news everywhere!
I don't suppose I've mentioned that my final year dissertation is on the ISA? Maybe I'm abit shy to say so la, because I'm worried about any subsequent pressure that I might feel. It's a gritty topic, and I would love to make it as thorough and educational as I can - but it's so difficult you know? Writing a research essay is the shits. I try to console myself by saying that it's not like it's a Ph.D. thesis or anything, but when you write about something that hits close to home and touches on highly debatable issues, you kinda feel like you HAVE to deliver the goods.
Did I also mention that I received two offers for my Bar Course (BVC)? Yeah, the BPP's offer is a 2:1 and the ICSL's is 2:2. I'm not sure which one I want to take - I suppose if I wanted a safety net the ICSL would be it, but then is a higher offer indicative of a higher reputation? But then again, there are only 3 schools in London that offer the BVC so they must be really competitive and standards shouldn't differ very much right? Hmmm. I'm gonna visit the BPP this Thursday and take the opportunity to ask questions about their specialty courses, etc and I'll probably do the same for the ICSL when I have the time. For now, I think I need to take a nap. Research is killing meee.
On a side note, it's quite cool that we're actually living in THIS point of time when our elections have made history. It's in the news everywhere!
I don't suppose I've mentioned that my final year dissertation is on the ISA? Maybe I'm abit shy to say so la, because I'm worried about any subsequent pressure that I might feel. It's a gritty topic, and I would love to make it as thorough and educational as I can - but it's so difficult you know? Writing a research essay is the shits. I try to console myself by saying that it's not like it's a Ph.D. thesis or anything, but when you write about something that hits close to home and touches on highly debatable issues, you kinda feel like you HAVE to deliver the goods.
Did I also mention that I received two offers for my Bar Course (BVC)? Yeah, the BPP's offer is a 2:1 and the ICSL's is 2:2. I'm not sure which one I want to take - I suppose if I wanted a safety net the ICSL would be it, but then is a higher offer indicative of a higher reputation? But then again, there are only 3 schools in London that offer the BVC so they must be really competitive and standards shouldn't differ very much right? Hmmm. I'm gonna visit the BPP this Thursday and take the opportunity to ask questions about their specialty courses, etc and I'll probably do the same for the ICSL when I have the time. For now, I think I need to take a nap. Research is killing meee.
What does 2:1 and 2:2 mean? Also, I'd be interested in reading (or skimming, more like) your dissertation. Way to go for deciding to write on ISA :) Also, given the direction the country is heading, I'm wondering if maybe, maybe, the constitution will be rewritten to allow *ahem* female, non-indigenous PMs (is it against the current constitution to say so here? Uh-oh.)
Amy Koid, At
7:57 PM
2:1 means a second upper, and 2:2 is a second lower.
Thanks, I think I just didn't want to write on some boring company/insurance/banking law thing that most ppl opted for. And I thought it would be good to educate the Western minds on how things operate back home :p
I don't know if such changes to the Constitution are feasible. Haven't researched the issue so I might be a little off-mark here, but I think the Constitution doesn't expressly prohibit a female, non-indigenous PM. They only mention the YDP Agong 's discretion in appointing the PM (although in practice, the PM is usually the leader of the party with the most seats in Parliament). So I don't think there's anything stopping a woman being PM but that it just boils down to phallocentricism and gender stereotyping in the political field. And also that we've yet to see a Malaysian woman ambitious enough to pursue the role of PM.
Xian, At
8:39 PM
hmm...how come ernchze's comment gets a reply...n such a long one! hehehehe... eh i wanna read ur ISA essay too! =D
eh this post is not directed to me cuz i asked u to remove my blog link isit...i'm not good at taking hints wei... O_o
Unknown, At
12:18 PM
HAHAHHAHA what! Your radar is totally off the mark beb. This isn't directed at anyone in particular; it was just a general line of thought.
Xian, At
5:40 PM
argue la argue. =) and i will sit here quietly enjoying the three of you. =D
chewkinyan, At
1:54 AM
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