A reply to all the comments
PF and MF like to use acronyms when referring to people so I think I shall try that today and see what all the fun is about. Hmmm, somewhat echoing TW on my last post, with so many people commenting how can I not reply? I know you all care la. How can you not, considering the numerous times have I threatened you with excommunication from my circle of friends?! Hahhahaha. DA, you're not an ugly monster. You're just a lovable fuzzy ewok, don't you forget that. And after SW said that I should forget about the useless friends I am invigorated. Ya, leave the useless people alone! I won't invite them to the grand opening of our Banana Cafe ;) And it can be true that every day is as fun as you make it out to be. Like in KL, even school was fun cos the teachers are approachable, and if I can't find them in the staffroom I can ask for help from one of 5U's resident smartypants like SW or KSK, or just copy YP's answers (sometimes pirated also wan). And as long as you have that in your head and have friends with similar personalities, it's easy to be positive and have a laugh about everything that gets you down. Which is probably why I don't like alot of things about my university education that much cos there are just too many things that ruffle my inner peace like the weather, the ang mohs, the 64 billion dollar answer as to why the pound is the strongest currency in the world which I will never be able to figure out, etc. So you can imagine just how bad it is because I am the most lame and ditzy person in the world who laughs at strange things.
But if London has taught me anything, it is to appreciate Malaysia even more because whenever I go back home I never want to leave. And okay la, I also like the fact that the public transportation here is nothing like the stupid LRT feeder buses and that salespeople here are much friendlier than the ones back home. Although the Europeans at Zara talk like they've got cucumbers up their bums at least they're more efficient and polite than stuck-up-for-nothing, wordless shop assistants in KL. There I finished complaining. I'm happy now :p
On a side note, KS and I signed up for belly dancing classes. Last Thursday was the first class and IT WAS HARD WORK. We did all these movements that target certain muscles and I couldn't do them and neither could I feel my muscles working! But at the end of the class my hips and abs were aching and I guess that means I was doing something right... or that I was just shaking everything and anything.
But if London has taught me anything, it is to appreciate Malaysia even more because whenever I go back home I never want to leave. And okay la, I also like the fact that the public transportation here is nothing like the stupid LRT feeder buses and that salespeople here are much friendlier than the ones back home. Although the Europeans at Zara talk like they've got cucumbers up their bums at least they're more efficient and polite than stuck-up-for-nothing, wordless shop assistants in KL. There I finished complaining. I'm happy now :p
On a side note, KS and I signed up for belly dancing classes. Last Thursday was the first class and IT WAS HARD WORK. We did all these movements that target certain muscles and I couldn't do them and neither could I feel my muscles working! But at the end of the class my hips and abs were aching and I guess that means I was doing something right... or that I was just shaking everything and anything.
Hahaha... MF copied me :(
*it's a bit of a prob when so many ppl have same initials, but hey, it's for you to let it out :p*
Have been wondering about the £ being no.1 too (?) and if it aches, it's still exercise ;)
fun², At
6:04 PM
ugh i'm so dreading the belly dancing classes, because like... it's just awkward chicken movements when i do it.
oh btw, your post about downgrading/upgrading friends? so calculative lah. input vs output. my god. its disgusting.
Suan, At
1:07 AM
WHAT. Didn't you read the bit about where it's subject to alot subjectivity. And who called me up the other day talking about this input-output with regards to someone huh huh huhhhhh.
Xian, At
12:30 AM
well..naming in initials aren't that bad...my friend talks in nicknames..blogs in nicknames...and those who are never part of the circle will never find out who they are.
belly dancing.....last time i saw belly dancing..plates throwing were involved..in some greek restaurant =) quite interesting..i got to throw one...
hooi, At
12:58 AM
eh please. that one i was telling you what someone said lah you dumbo. shows you don't listen so no need to talk to you hah
and also the no punctuation, you got it from me. so hah. hah hah hahhahaaaaaaa :p so easily convinced to have bad grammerrrrrrrrr and engrish and punktuation.
Suan, At
11:38 PM
initials r good for d soul! mainly cuz if u wanna insult someone n they get offended u can tell them it's actually someone else with d same initials. muahaha! but i call u "xian" in my blog...hehe. actually i use initials partly cuz i'm lazy to type d full name. hahahah!!!
(typed in US)
Unknown, At
6:26 AM
whats tat about my pirated answers?? hehehhe.. anyway, i hope i'm not being demoted from your friends hierarchy... :) absence makes a heart grows fonder... which explains the lack of mails and smses from me... trying to make u miss me even mooorrreeee than u already are... hhahahhaa.... anyway, cant wait till u r back babeh!!! muacks!!!!
Unknown, At
6:59 AM
MF, what is it about this (typed in US) thing HUH? Like it's such a special thing. HAHAHA. Hmm actually it seems interesting; I think I shall try it.
FHKKS, your initials look so rude. And what no punctuation? I always blog with good punctuation. MSN is a different story ok so don't syiok sendiri pls thanks.
LH, why were you throwing plates at the belly dancer?!?!? Oh my goodness the poor girl...
YP, what a lame excuse. HAHAHA. I heard your responses to SMSes have been slowing down again. Tsk tsk tsk. Clearly they were only fast when I was around. Which means you must really really loveee meeeeheehee. See you soon bebeh!
Xian, At
7:15 AM
Hahaha... er, though I don't know you, but the initials FHKKS are kinda interesting :p
Speaking of which, Xian's initials are kinda cute, reminds me of some hard-to-get racing-motorcycle-or-car-gear-part... (DX or ODX?)
Oh, and throwing plates is a tradition in some countries (particularly Greece, I think). You don't aim for the dancer lar...
fun², At
10:38 AM
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