The days passed
Unfortunately, we didn't get to watch Les Miz because the available tickets were either too expensive or restricted in view. We ended up watching X Men 3: The Last Stand. It's a safe movie. Safe because there isn't anything special about it, but is neither crap enough to be missed indefinitely. There were a number of sub plots that could have been developed better. And Famke Janssen is usually gorgeous, but she looked kinda haggard in X3.I was in Epsom on Saturday. Epsom is in Surrey, and is close by to Kent I think. It's not as eye pleasing as Croydon. But Epsom College, where Eugene did his A Levels, is lengths above CTC in terms of size. In CTC everything was under one roof: classrooms, refectory, common room, administrative offices; the exception being the new wing housing the library and the computer labs, which were built in my year. We didn't even have sporting facilities and had to rely on the public park and the sports club to host our activities. But in Epsom College there are individual buildings for each subject. They've got separate grounds for footie, cricket, tennis, rugby, etc... and a gym too! I suppose it comes with being a proper English boarding school. We went to New Malden after Epsom to have dinner in this Korean restaurant. The food was really nice. I didn't quite take Eugene seriously when he said New Malden is pretty much Korea Town... but it is! There are many Korean shops on the high street, even a little Korean shopping plaza, and you can't miss all the Korean people strolling about the area.I'm thinking of changing my flight to 4 June to coincide with June's. So I have a travel buddy :)
Mingo mango fandango
It's funny how both your siblings are born in May and you have the odd birthday in January. HAPPY BIRTHDAY M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whatta poser...
Sloooooowly getting there
So just when I thought I'd be rotting away till 6 June, suddenly there a whole lot of things for me to do, places to go and people to see. Today it's the afternoon with Cahyadi, tomorrow I'll be in Epsom, on Saturday Nadia will be in London and we're going to watch Les Miz, Sunday is still rest day, on Monday it's lunch with Lip Sin et al, and then I'll be off to Bristol till Wednesday to see June. After all that, my remaining days here will be left strictly for packing... unless June follows me back to London (hint hint)...
I watched the Da Vinci code last night. Eugene thought it made a complete mockery of God. I thought he was being narrow; it's only a movie anyway. Honestly though, I don't think it's within human ability to decide which versions of the God we believe in is right or wrong. Who's to say the story hasn't been distorted through the times and that we aren't actually living through "the greatest cover up in history" as per Dan Brown? I think our view of God is partly influenced by the type of person we are. The extent of how pure and righteous He is to us will depend on how we filter out whatever values that we want or don't want to see in Him, according to our own moral principles. One of the characters said that as long as there is one God, there will continue to be blood shed. That statement kinda struck me. Each act of bloodshed is only discriminated by language; (holy) war, suicide or sacrifice. Their purposes are the same, but men constantly bicker over which act to condone and which not to. I think we only waste time with superfluous talk. Judgment Day will determine who goes to heaven and who doesn't, and we should just use whatever earthly time we have to carry out the lives He gave us and hope that what we're doing fits into His good books.
I'm listening to Prince's The Most Beautiful Girl In The World and I just realised that when he sings the line "And when the night falls before that day I will cry tears of joy" you can hear sound effects of sploshing water right after "tears of joy". And you can hear shooting stars in the background where he starts speaking about stars falling from the sky. Huhuhu. It's kinda corny, even for such a great song.
Sweet 17 too?
Happy birthday E!!!!!! :D :D :D
Early bird
This is the earliest I've woken up since secondary school. Even 9 am classes in college didn't require getting up till 8 am, cuz it'd only take me 15 mins to walk to school. Yesterday after Public Law ended at noon I came home immediately and crashed on the bed. Woke up at 7.30 pm, watched The Promise (the movie sucked and Cecilia Cheung is soooo ugly!) sans subtitles because I couldn't get them to work, then read my magazines and fell asleep again by midnight. At least the sun is out today. Will probably do some shopping later, heehee.
Almost very nearly quite there
Am midway through the exams now. Property was alright, although I was kinda strained for time. I am terribly worried about the outcome of my Jurisprudence paper... it was shite. Only Public and Criminal are left now.
My flight home stands on 7 June at the moment. It's subject to change though. The only reason why I'm sticking around (exams finish on 16 May) is because I have to wait till Zuhi, Lil and CH are done with their exams. We're gonna rent a car for a day to move our stuff into storage. The first time we rented a car in London, the five of us (Lil, June, Eugene, CH and I) drove to Brighton (well okay, only the boys took turns at the wheel) at night. Needless to say, the place was dead so we ended up bumming around in a cafe. June and I got into a bit of a misunderstanding over my "disappearing act" when I left them in the cafe, sans mobile phones, to get a breath of fresh air by the beach front across the road. By the time we were ready to leave, everyone was tired and irritable. Eugene was stuck with the job of peacemaker and his renditions of "Part of Your World" eased the tension a little, nyeheheheh.
I took part in a £10 poker tournament last Friday. To all of yous who think all I do in London is eat, sleep, drink coffee and play poker... I'd like to say that my poker lifestyle isn't as extravagant as some of my counterparts. Besides, this was my first time in a tournament, and it's probably the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th outing for the others. Anyway, I came out 15th amongst 60 players. Azlan and Eugene were 7th and 8th respectively. At least I outlasted Lil and CH. Ho ho ho. Am patiently waiting for this week's tournament :p
E day
10 hours and a bit remaining to my Contract & Tort II exam. For the next two weeks, I'm going to be putting so much effort into my studies, more than I ever did these past 10 months. I am amazingly laidback. It's like someone spiked my drink with a relaxant. The only time I remember being flustered was a few days ago, when I was rushing to complete my 6000 word Property dissertation. Joel, the faculty secretary made a note that I was "Late, 3.03 pm". The essay was due at 3 pm. Talk about being tight up the ass!
I am, however, kinda worried about Jurisprudence on Thursday. I hate answering those damn theoretical questions. By the 16th, all this will be over and I can look forward to a stress free summer... I HOPE.