Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I am surprised by how much I am enjoying the BVC. The course is highly demanding in terms of the workload, but I actually like what I'm learning. Maybe it's cos I've made some good friends, maybe it's cos I understand the course content since I'm forced to prepare before every class (which makes me wonder if I would have enjoyed my LLB more if I hadn't put off schoolwork till the 11th hour), maybe it's cos I get to sleep in cos the bulk of my classes start after noon... whatever it is, I can't put my finger on it.

The syllabus is very interesting. For the LLB, we have to learn a whole load of theory in various areas of law. But for the BVC we get to apply those theories to real situations. It's very 'hands-on', in the sense that you learn by doing and if you don't do, you die. So far I've learned how to make a bail application and present it in front of a 'magistrate' (my tutor lah) and I've also written my very first opinion! Ahh 30 years down the road when I'm adept at all this stuff I shall read over aforementioned opinion and have a good laugh.

The intake for the BVC this year is about 300-400. Since the lecture theatre isn't big enough to accommodate the lot of us, we're split into 3 cohorts and each will take their lectures at different times. There are loads of Malaysians in my cohort! Okay, to say 'loads' is relative. I think there are approximately 15 of us, and that's almost 4 times the number in my LLB graduating class. OH AND I'M OFF EVERY WEDNESDAY! It's nice to have a break in the middle of the week cos classes suck me dry of energy and it's nice to go home on Tuesday knowing that you can rest abit the following day before hitting the books again. Although, I hear that our timetables change every term so next term Wednesday might not be my free day anymore. But whatever, beggars can't be choosers and I'm happy enough that we get one day off heeheehee.

Ok my pizza is here and I'm gonna enjoy my dinner over Gossip Girl season 2 episode 4 so here are a couple of photos from my graduation... oh yeah who watches GG as well? It's sooo lame but it's totally addictive isn't it?!??

Adios UCL~~~

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

They're all bigots

Watching the first few minutes of Ahmad Ismail's Q&A session with reporters was enough to make me hurl. If someone wants to make a Diehard V, please take a good look at our government. The way he spoke, no remorse at all. Hey everyone I just got suspended, but it's no problem at all cos noway jose I make no mistakes! I'll tell you what's more important instead, my comeback in UMNO! The people standing behind him, WHY ARE THEY CLAPPING? Your bosses have expressed their anger and regret, there is fire from all around, for the sake of a political entity that demands more than your own needs, how dare you not apologize? Why you so like that.

It is sad that Zaid Ibrahim has resigned. Six months man! The Opposition's spunk is admirable. Studying law at UCL, there was many a time when I wanted to kick out in frustration because I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know I wanted to be a lawyer, but sometimes you lose yourself along the way when the path ahead of you forks in all directions but never consolidates into a single highway. Political motives aside, perhaps some day I may be able to attain the level of courage and fortitude shown by many of these men and women on a road littered with a potholes, breaks in the tarmac, RM50 police officers and ISA arrests. Malaysia is a farce of a democracy. There will never be progress without the dissolve of racial discrimination. The Chinese, Indians and those whom you label Dan Lain-lain aren't pressing for power, we just want to be on equal footing. Is that too much to concede? Your stubborness only displays your own selfish agenda and a desperate attempt to cling on to every last illusory strand of power.

Thank you

When I reflect on my spiritual life, I believe God was always by my side no matter how far I ran from Him sometimes. One of the more nagging questions I had concerned God's influence in my life. Jesus taught practical values, but so did my parents. Wouldn't I have turned out the same way even without being a Christian? But just the other day the answer flashed in front of me. To begin with, I wouldn't exist if God hadn't decided to create. And my parents - I saw in them their dedication to the church, their loyalty to each other and to their family, the way they raised us - they were the "signs" that I constantly asked God for, as proof of His existence. My parents are the biggest influences in my life, and all the things they taught me they learned from God, which explained why some of the lessons ingrained in me were reflective of His teachings. My friends, who taught me what is probably the most important rule of survival - "crappiness", because out of crap there's always happiness! It makes more sense to laugh off the sad things or forget it all with movies, food and company, instead of brooding cos miracles don't happen that easily. Real time isn't going to stop and cry with you on account of your errors. My family, my friends, even my kawaii doggies; my greatest teachers who fostered all the love in my heart. What blessings given to me! I must say I felt quite stupid upon realising that I had the answers all along; as usual lah, I was just asking for more, something more grandiose like a "Hi Xian" out of the blue or a letter ending with a mysterious golden signature or perhaps even getting saved from death. And I felt fuller, a little more complete, understanding that it was God from whom all things stemmed, and all that love that through others was poured into me, I now want to give back to Him. Because I owe it to God, you know?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Wahhh, summer has come and gone and even though I only ventured out of KL on two occasions, I feel like my break was well-spent (contrary to my whining about wanting to go on holidays to Bangkok, Singapore, etc). I needed this holiday. AND I REALLY NEED ANOTHER ONE RIGHT NOW!!!!

To be honest it's not all that bad. I just haven't taken my party hat off yet. Yesterday I started the BVC (Bar Vocational Course) at City Law School. The student composition is diverse - for starters, I have met 5 Malaysians (ie. myself included, that's a total of 6, and it's already twice the number of Msians in my class of '08) and I hear there are more. The Indians are a rowdy bunch. Rowdy because they were yelling out all the answers in today's Legal Research discussion. They are bright, and they read at amazing speeds. There is also a substantial number of African-Americans and Middle Easterners. During my time at UCL, the faces in my Law faculty were predominantly white with a smattering of yellow, and an even smaller number of dark ones.

My resolutions for this year are:
1) Devote more time to spiritual needs
2) Study harder
3) Be more patient with certain people
4) Read more non-law-related texts
5) Get out of The Black Hole

It is THAT difficult. The high street is full of wonderful things; now that the transition to fall is starting all the summer items are on sale! My mum has also said that whatever money I save will be her present to me when I start working. That's putting even more pressure on me to save! I don't want to be penniless when I finish at the Bar. Come to think of it, I'm not even spending like water. I'm already living less comfortably than most people I know, and I try to eat in every day except for the weekends. BUT. That's not the problem. The problem is shopping. The average price of a high street blouse is in the region of GBP25. Bags, skirts and pants are more expensive. Accessories, usually less than GBP10. So if I buy two tops, one bag and a couple of accessories, that can easily set me back by GBP100, and that's already a quarter of my supposed monthly allowance! If I spend GBP50 a week on groceries, that's already GBP200 for a month! Then if I eat out every weekend (one meal per day), and assuming I spend about GBP10 per meal, that's already GBP80 for the month!!! I gotta give offering in church some more!!!! HOW TO SAVE?!?!?! Kesimpulannya, I have to do away with shopping. Yes that must be the solution.

Tomorrow I have a day off. Many things to do - gotta cancel phone contract, join gym, open fixed deposit, and other grown-up stuff. Nyehnyehnyeh. Mmm I'll go sleep now and dream of beautiful Bukit Tabur.

So pretty the view right?

A contented MF prepares to fall asleep

Then wakes up later to pose for a picture

So this is what it means to have the world at your feet

With two good friends by your side